All security is upstream Separated from Production User doesn’t need to run security, can’t bypass it CIO can manage entire remote fleet (any OS, hardware ) with only 1 solution CISO mitigate human risk,, weak OS lacks …
Security by Design
In-house Design & Manufacture
And with local partners. Selecting only military grade electronics and developing from core and drivers a robust code reducing surface attack Targeting highest trust level on the market
A.I. & Blockchain
Next-Gen Security
-Thinking out of the box: A.I. & Blockchain Users can focus on their job hassle free -CIO reduce time and stress to deploy and maintain -CISO mitigates risk and can increase security to a new level in their systems, -Organizations increase Productivity, security , ROI, and … reputation!!!
Financial Bank
They Already trusted our team
“Cyber-Brick” is honored by CES Innovation Award in “Digital Health” category,
FIRST time where a cybersecurity solution is honored in Health category